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EFT tapping for dizziness

EFT or Tapping is a free and easy way to address unpleasant experiences, emotions, memories and you guess it, dizziness! EFT practitioner Rochelle Schulz dives into what EFT is, the benefits and how to do it anywhere.

Meet EFT practitioner Rochelle Schulz

EFT Tapping for Dizziness: 3 ways EFT helps retrain your body

Rochelle Schulz is an EFT practitioner offering internationally accredited and certified services. With a focus on trauma-informed training, she creates a safe and non-judgmental space for adult individuals worldwide, both in-person and online.

Rochelle’s goal is to assist clients in healing, personal growth, and regaining confidence. By delving into the subconscious mind, we uncover and release patterns that have been running in the background, including traumas, phobias, cravings, and physical pain. Working together, Rochelle’s clients can reclaim their authentic selves and experience a life of meaning, joy, and purpose.

Rochelle Schulz specializes in guiding clients through uncomfortable emotions and facilitating a smooth journey for their brain and nervous system, minimizing dysregulation.

Here website is linked here to learn more about Rochelle’s services and offerings. She assist with individuals, group sessions, creating scripts to use on your own tapping sessions, free consultations and more!

What is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping)

EFT or tapping has been around since the 1970s and involves tapping with your fingers on different pressure points on the body. These pressure points are the same ones used in acupuncture but without the needles. Rochelle notes that EFT is an effect strategy for stress relief, boost immune system function, and turn off genes related to chronic illness.

EFT combines the concepts of  energy pathways (meridians) rooted in acupuncture with somatic and cognitive behavior therapy to calm our nervous system and address difficult emotions and memories.

It’s effective, can be done anywhere, anytime, and you can do it yourself for free!

What is Bottom up therapy?

EFT is a bottom up therapy. Typically, when addressing dizziness, emotions, trauma etc, therapies are focusing on the head/brain. The brain is important in our experiences, but our cognition only makes up 20% of that experience. Rochelle goes on to explain that the body stores up to 80% of our experiences and memories in 4 different ways. They are:

  • emotional memory
  • sensory memory (hearing, sight, taste, touch)
  • autonomic memory (temperature, respiratory, digestion)
  • physical memory (muscle memory or movement memory)

Bottom up therapy looks to address the 80% of experiences and memories stored in our body. To process and calm our nervous system in this way, bottom up therapy is looking to address the majority of our body that other interventions ignore.

How EFT Can Be Used

EFT/Tapping can be used on three different levels:

  1. First aid calm down: This is used in the moment of a stressful event (traffic, hard conversations etc).
  2. Taming the trigger: It can help us reduce the emotional intensity of triggers. This allows us to respond calmly in the moment when this trigger is enacted.
  3. Trauma release: EFT can address deep-seated beliefs and traumas from our past that may affect our self-perception and behavior as adults.

EFT aims to find the root cause of limiting beliefs or traumas and release them, allowing us to let go of old programming, retrain our brain to have positive neural pathways, and live more freely. EFT tapping for dizziness can help break the dizzy anxious cycle, find acceptance, and retrain our body/brain neural connections for long term results. This takes time and practice!

Common Accupressure Points used in EFT Tapping

Using one or both hands, listed below are acupressure points used in EFT/Tapping.

  • Side of the hand between the bottom of your palm and start of your pinky finger
  • eyebrow
  • side of the eye (near the temple but want to be on the firm/bone part, NOT the soft part)
  • under the eye
  • under the nose
  • chin/under the mouth
  • collarbone
  • under the arm (4 inches below the armpit). You can reach across your body to tap this area or use tap on the same hand/under the arm if it’s comfortable to you.
  • top of the head

Considerations for EFT tapping for dizziness

Some find that areas by the eyes or peripheral vision increased dizziness. If you notice this, choose tapping points that feel best to you (collar bone, under the arms, top of the head etc). Sometimes eyes closed or laying down can help this as well.

EFT Tapping for Dizziness: 3 ways EFT helps retrain your body
The red dots note the various tapping points used in EFT. Remember, if points near the eyes or face make you dizzy, use the top of your head, collar bones, under arms, hands, chin or nose areas for eft tapping for dizziness.

How to do EFT Tapping for Dizziness


Rank the intensity of the issue on a scale of 0–10.


Tap with 4 fingers the edge/palm of your hand, near the base of your pinky finger.

“Even though I have [insert emotion, symtpom etc]  in [insert location in your body] when I think about this [feeling, memory, experience, situation], I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Allow your body to soften and relax, be present with any symptoms or discomfort. You can acknowledge sensations without needing to control them.

Thank your body for its effort to protect you and give yourself permission to receive instead of resisting.


The reminder phrase should acknowledge the issue and convey self-acceptance in spite of it.

some examples are:

  • I’m willing to allow these thoughts and emotions now
  • I’m noticing what I’m feeling in my body
  • I’m recognizing these symptoms
  • I’m allowing to be with this discomfort/illness
  • I’m going to tune in and be with these symptoms
  • It can be scary sometimes. Even though I think I need to control this. I can still soften anyway.
  • I’m thanking my body for trying to protect me in some way.
  • I give myself permission to receive instead of resist; these sensations that are happening now.

Using two or more fingertips, tap approximately 5x on each point listed above for 1- 2 rounds while repeating your reminder phrase. This can change with each session, and pick the tapping points you feel best with. Avoid the ones that make you dizzy.


Rank the intensity of the issue on a scale of 0–10.  Continue repeating rounds until the intensity reaches zero or plateaus.


The tapping solution has a website and a smartphone app to help learn and perform guided tapping sessions. There’s a free and paid version! Check it out here.

Work with Rochelle Schulz! She has individual, group and free consultation services. Check out her website here.


Want to learn more about different benefits of various tapping points, a guided tapping session with Dr. Madison and Rochelle Schulz,  other vestibular tools from the experts and be a part of a supportive community to get back to your daily life?  Find out more at this link: https://tvd.flywheelstaging.com/about-group/


Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.