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How mindset can improve dizziness

Is your dizziness causing a spiral of anxious, negative thoughts? Identifying these thoughts and reframing these feelings is how mindset can start to improve your attitude and outlook on your dizziness to get your life back.

Below we dive into why our thoughts are important and how reframing our thoughts to neutral or positive statements can create a cycle of healing, not a cycle of doom.

Mindset and critical thinking

Oxford dictionary defines critical thinking as “the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form judgement”. Taking the time to break down thoughts, we can decide if our thoughts need rephrasing to change our mindset. With practice, thoughts become more neutral or positive. The image below, courtesy of Brooke Castillo and The Life Coach School is a great reminder why our thoughts matter. Our thoughts produce feelings, which turn into action (or inaction), which gives us a certain result.

We have 60,000 thought per day, with many repetitive thoughts from the previous day or hours before. Combining practice and our brains ability to change over time (thanks neuroplasticity), our mindset can change and ultimately impact our actions and results.

This is how mindset can improve dizziness. Read on to learn frameworks, with examples, to get started today.

This image come from Brooke Castillo and The Life Coach School’s Self Coaching Model handout.You can read more about this model, as well as access handouts, in the Life Coach School section below.

How does critical thinking and mindset help my dizziness?

For anyone that’s skeptical but still reading, let’s dive into mindset when it comes to dizziness. As discussed in previous posts, our brain wants to keep us safe. This is why the dizzy anxious cycle is so often intertwined. Here’s what typically happens:

  1. Our brain doesn’t know where we are in space and worries about our safety.
  2. To keep us safe our brain makes an “error signal” which can come in the form of dizziness, nausea, fogginess etc.
  3. We  stop whatever we’re doing, very concerned and nervous about what just happened.
  4. This gives our brain a chance to figure out where we are in space, and those ill feelings begin to settle down.

Usually, this type of signaling happens with an outside threat (a bear, loud sudden noise etc). Feeling anxious is a useful feeling, but not when we get it doing laundry, dishes, playing with our children or trying to drive to work.

Taking time to pause, critically think and remind our brain that we are safe during our everyday tasks begins the mindset work that results in your ability to do more with dizziness, and keep your dizziness in check. Without this change in mindset, our body quickly spirals with anxiety, fear, and negative thoughts that can consume you and keep you from doing what you need.

Below are two frameworks with materials go help you use mindset to improve your dizziness.

Does this mean I need to be positive all the time?

NO. That is not the point of mindset work. It’s okay AND NORMAL to feel angry, sad, frustrated, anxious, scared. You’re allowed to have these thoughts and feelings. Allow yourself time and space to sit with these emotions and thoughts but don’t dwell on them forever. This is where mindset work comes into play. Give yourself time to process your emotions, then use mindset tools to progress forward and move on from these feelings. This takes repetition and practice. Fortunately for us, life is always throwing out new challenges, so there will be ample opportunities to practice. Mindset an improve dizziness, but also how we handle other challenges and stressors in our life as well.

Critical thinking frame works to try

The two frameworks we’ll go over today to practice how mindset can improve dizziness are:

  1. The  Life Coach School’s Self Coaching Model by Brooke Castillo
  2. Switch Side Debate

One area to keep in mind here is not everything thought has to be positive. Neutral thoughts are still better than negative thoughts to get the benefits of mindset work. Examples of neutral thoughts are:

  1. Feelings are not facts
  2. with time and effort, I’m getting better
  3. I will have to try again
  4. I am okay today
  5. I’m doing my best today
  6. I am present

Let’s see how to put these ideas into action. Below are examples one can use for vestibular symptoms. Let us know what you think!

The Life Coach School Model

The example below uses Brooke Castillo and The Life Coach School handouts. This is a great resources to learn more, and have guided worksheets to practice.

The link for the self guided worksheet can be found  here.

Here’s a handout from The Life School with more information regarding each section of the CTFAR framework in case you feel stuck.

How mindset can improve dizziness
How mindset can improve dizziness

The Switch Sides Method

This method is common practice for debates. This method can be a little easier to remember when first starting out, but the CTFAR framework gets easier to do with practice.

The switch sides method takes your first train of thought on how you’re feeling, write it all down. Then, write the exact opposite (feelings, thoughts, beliefs). Read both out loud. Which one is more helpful? Can you use the more helpful thoughts for your next steps/actions?


You get to choose your thoughts.

You can pick the helpful thought (neutral or positive)

You can break down your thought processes and challenge your thoughts.

Your brain needs to understand it’s safe before it can heal

Want to learn more about identifying and addressing negative thoughts, and other vestibular tools to get back to your daily life?  Find out more at this below:

Click here


Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.