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Our courses are designed to support vestibular health and well-being

Start learning from our custom tailored courses, that cover all aspects of vertigo diseases and conditions

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01 / module

Getting started

Stop guessing and know exactly where to start to manage your dizziness and vestibular disorder effectively.

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02 / module

Being prepared

Learn how to prepare for and manage dizziness episodes with a proactive approach.

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03 / module

Adjusting your life

Practical lifestyle adjustments to help you navigate daily life with vestibular disorders.

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04 / module

Guidance for every diagnosis

Comprehensive insights into various vestibular conditions and their management.

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05 / module

More diagnoses we cover

A deeper dive into additional diagnoses and their unique challenges.

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Beyond your vestibular disorder

Addressing broader health concerns that may impact vestibular function.

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Community & support

Engaging discussions with experts and real-life experiences to support your vestibular journey.

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Vestibular group fit membership

So you can fell like you again

  • 8-9 new workouts, safe for dizziness, weekly
  • Access to Vestibular Experts at your fingertips
  • Educational content
  • 6 week neck protocol for neck pain & dizziness
  • 30% Off supplements with fullscript (US only, 10% in CAN)
  • 24/7 support group access
  • Mindset work to break the dizzy-anxious-dizzy cycle
  • 2 live group coaching calls
  • Access to 1:1 calls for an additional charge
Personalized programming

Start your VGfit journey with an onboarding quiz to tailor the content to your specific needs and diagnosis. You will always have all the tools you need to thrive, right at your fingertips

24/7 support and community

In VGFit, you'll always have access to expert guidance—the ability to ask any question 24/7, get answers quickly, and connect with others like you. That way, you’ll never be alone in managing your dizziness

SAVE $90
$70 / Monthly
Billed Every 6 Months *

Finally the answers you are looking for. Break the dizzy anxious dizzy cycle, understand why you’re dizzy, regain your independence, and reduce your dizzy free days.

$85 / Monthly
Billed Every 3 Months *

Finally the answers you are looking for. Break the dizzy anxious dizzy cycle, understand why you’re dizzy, regain your independence, and reduce your dizzy free days.


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Vestibular podcast

Ground, the vestibular podcast

Dive in and explore the fascinating world of vestibular disorders and the mysteries surrounding dizziness, the brain, inner ear, and the balance mechanisms that keep us grounded. We get real about what it takes to manage dizziness, handle the anxiety cycle, and thrive, not just survive, with your vestibular disorder.

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We’re here to help you

Frequently asked questions

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Vestibular Group Fit is a comprehensive program designed to take a holistic approach to managing your vestibular disorder. Chronic vestibular symptoms do get better, and can be treated, always. That being said, there are many things that you may need to do or change in order to get there. Vestibular Group Fit (VGF) takes all of these facts into consideration and creates you custom programming based on your needs, diagnoses, and symptoms. Then, we start with The Basics. The Basics are the main focuses of VGF to really get down before moving forward with treatment. You will learn how to eat and hydrate, sleep better, change your mindset to break the dizzy-anxious-dizzy cycle, and more. All of this from the comfort of your own home, without any of the triggering head movements. Returning to function and getting your life back doesn’t have to be triggering, it can be gentle and consistent in order to be most effective.

A Vestibular disorder is a dysfunction of your vestibular system. First we need to back up, though. The vestibular system is your inner ear’s system of balance. You have 3 systems of balance, your vestibular system, the visual system, and proprioception. These 3 systems work together to provide optimal balance and equilibrium. Your vestibular system is deep within your inner ear and attached to the cochlea, which is your hearing organ. Just like with any other organ or bodily system, things can go wrong in the vestibular system. Learn more about how the system functions generally here.

There are 2 main factors that define vestibular disorders. The first is a peripheral vestibular disorder, which you can learn more about here, and is a disorder that occurs in the actual vestibular system itself. Then there are central vestibular disorders, click here to learn more, which occur in the brain but cause vestibular symptoms.

All you need to do is bring yourself! As you start with the strength training, you may need weights, but you may always use household items such as cans, bags loaded with subjectively heavy objects, or anything else you can find around the house.

No, you do not need Facebook to participate in VGFit. All exercises, information and resources included in VGFit are available on both The Vertigo Doctor website and on Facebook, within the VGFit group.

The only difference between the platforms is access to VGFit Community Discussion Group, which is only available on Facebook. While we encourage joining the FB community group to connect and share with other VGFit members, participation is completely optional.

No, Vestibular Group Fit (VGFit) is not the same as Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT). They are different approaches but can complement each other in managing dizziness.

VGFit focuses on foundational exercises to help you feel better quickly, enabling you to participate in a VRT clinic and perform specific exercises without worsening your condition. VRT is a medical physical therapy practice involving exercises such as VORx1 or VORcX, which involve shaking or spinning your head or body.

As a vestibular therapist, Dr. Madison prescribes these VRT exercises, but they are not her first line of treatment for vestibular migraine. It is important to build a foundation by regulating your nervous system, balancing your blood sugar, and work on your mindset and more. By taking these steps first, you create a foundation that allows VRT to be more effective. Without this initial preparation, VRT might not be as successful or might not work at all.

This is completely up to you!

While you do not need a formal diagnosis to join VGFit, you should get clearance from your doctor before starting any new activity or exercise program. Before joining, we recommend being cleared for exercise, meditation, breathing exercises, and participating in a new program for your dizziness.

Dizziness comes from many different places and sources, the most common being a vestibular disorder. There are two groups that we can generally put dizziness and vertigo diagnosis into. The first are central disorders (brain and spinal cord) and the second are peripheral disorders (in the actual vestibular system). The most common central vestibular disorder is vestibular migraine, and the most common peripheral vestibular disorder is BPPV.

The best treatment for BPPV is a canalith repositioning maneuver, such as the Epley or BBQ Roll. The best treatment for Vestibular Migraine is a larger treatment plan that focused on lifestyle, mindset, movement, and more. That is precisely what we do in Vestibular Group Fit, provide you with everything you need to know about living with dizziness, from which doctors to see to how to move your body safely again.

View all FAQ

Still not sure vestibular group fit is right for you?

I’d love to chat with you about any questions, comments, or concerns you may have about Vestibular Group Fit! 

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